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Christ Lutheran Church is a member of the
American Association of Lutheran Churches
Christ Lutheran Church is . . .
Biblical - standing on the Divinely inspired, inerrant, and infallible Word of God
Confessional - subscribing to the ENTIRE Book of Concord because it is the true exposition of Scripture
Evangelical - making disciples of all nations, loving one another as God has loved us
Liturgical - using the historic liturgy, lectionary, and vestments
Congregational - supporting the autonomy of the local congregation against any form of hierarchical control, be it bureaucrats, bishops, doctrinal inquisitions, or councils. Yet, our “subscription” holds us accountable to each other under the Word
More on Church Body Affiliation here

What We Believe
We believe the Bible is God's Word and self-revelation to us, and as such, it is without error in all it touches, whenever and however it speaks whether in matters of faith, doctrine, history, geography, or science.
We believe in one God, Creator of all things, infinitely perfect and eternally existing in three persons; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
We believe that Jesus is God incarnate, who through his sinless life, atoning death, and bodily resurrection, won salvation over sin, death and the power of the devil.
We concur with Luther's understanding of the work of the Holy Spirit, who, solely through the Word and Sacraments, calls, gathers, enlightens, and sanctifies the whole Christian Church on earth. On the other hand, we stand opposed to those who would narrow or limit the work of the Holy Spirit with an undo insistence on the legitimacy for the "sign gifts" [i.e., tongues, healings, prophecy, revelation, etc.] being operative and even normative in our day.
We believe in our Lord's imminent return when all the dead together with those still living will be 'taken up' to stand before him in judgment. All unbelievers will be condemned to eternal hell. All the saved will be with Jesus forever in heaven. We reject any form of millennialism.
We believe that the Lutheran Confessions and the Apostles, Nicene, and Athanasian Creeds contained in the Book of Concord of 1580 are the correct exposition of the teaching of Holy Scripture.
We are a liturgical church. We practice, without reservation, the use of the lectionary, vestments, and an order of service such as that found in the Common Service.
We understand the basic unit of the church to be the local congregation. As such, it should be self-governing and it alone should hold title to its property. The AALC will have authority only to advise and recommend.

Holy Communion is generally celebrated the first Sunday of every month.
In light of First Corinthians 11:28:
We welcome to the Lord’s Table all who:
believe in Christ Jesus as their Lord and Savior,
accept the real and physical presence of the body and blood of Christ in the Sacrament
have examined themselves and acknowledge their sinfulness
repent of their sins and seek forgiveness
resolve with the help of the Holy Spirit to strengthen their faith amend their ways, and walk in His ways
understand that without doing the above one can eat and drink to his or her own damnation
Young people below confirmation age may receive communion, but it is expected they have received pre-communion instruction.
Other Notes:
We offer Communion as individual cup.