Good To Know
Can’t get to church? - Call 534-444-2575, press 1 and hear the service live over your telephone each Sunday.
Desire a copy of a sermon? - Call Pastor with your email address and receive copies weekly. ​
Hearing impaired? - We have hearing devices to enhance the service. Ask an usher for information.
A mailbox for everyone - Send and receive “mail” within our church family . . . check your mail box each week so you do not miss anything.
Altar Flowers? - To share altar flowers sign up on the bulletin board at the back of the church.
Offering envelopes? - Pick yours up from the table under the mail boxes.
Enjoy music? - Consider joining the choir or providing special music Ask Pastor or any choir member for information.
Enjoy reading? - The church library is found at the back of the Fellowship Hall and offers great choices.

Christ Lutheran Women (CLW)
Meets at 9:00 a.m.. on the 2nd Saturday of each month. Each month a Bible study followed by a brief informational meeting is held to discuss missions and events relevant to our church family. One need not be a member of Christ Lutheran Church or lead a Bible study to be a part of this fellowship. All are welcome.
The purpose of CLW is to be actively involved in missions. There are no fundraising events, however, Scriptural greeting cards and table napkins are offered for sale with all proceeds being used for missions.
Prayer Chain
“Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2
We believe in the power of prayer. Please call Pastor with prayer requests for yourself or someone you know. If you are willing and able to pray with us, your name can be added to the prayer chain.