Worship, Fellowship, and Learning
The main focus of our church program is to be faithful to our call as a congregation, to the Ministry of Word and Sacraments.
Please join us in our weekly activities (listed below). We offer a traditional worship service each Sunday. Communion is generally offered on the first Sunday of the month. Sunday School is held after the service. Sunday School for all children and adults is held during the school year in the Fellowship Hall. Vacation Bible School opportunities are provided for the children during the summer.
Adults and children are welcome to join us in additional faith-based learning during our Wednesday evening Bible Study. Please see our calendar and newsletter for more events and details.
Weekly Meeting Times:
Worship Service: Sundays, 9:00 a.m.
Sunday School: Sundays, 10:05 a.m.
Bible Study: Wednesdays, 7:15 p.m.
Other Events:
Bible Study: 1st and 3rd Mondays, Eau Claire, 7:00 p.m.
Contact Pastor Dalrymple for additional information
Christ Lutheran Women (CLW): 2nd Monday, 6:30 p.m.
Click here for more information.
Special Events:
Contact Pastor Dalrymple for more information regarding:
Advent Fellowship Meetings
Annual Congregational Christmas Banquet
Lenten Services
Annual Mini Bible Conference
Distinctives in Our Worship and Practice
Our worship is traditional and liturgical. At the same time, we incorporate considerable variety.
We encourage Bible Study and prayer and include Wednesday Bible Study sessions in our weekly schedule.
We believe one's participation in the Sacrament is a matter between the individual and God. Those who believe in Christ as their Savior, are baptized, and believe in the real presence of Christ in the elements, are welcome at our altar.
When a young person reaches the sixth grade, then after private instruction, and when they, along with their parents and the Pastor feel they are ready, they may commune.
We believe in, and practice, the anointing of the sick (James 5:14).
We encourage and believe in free, systematic and proportionate giving to the work of the Church. We do not 'pledge' or use other 'giving programs.' We discourage 'fundraising' outside our own membership.
We believe we are to share our blessings with others. Therefore, we want to be involved in mission efforts both at home and beyond.
We believe we are all one in Christ (Gal. 3:28). At the same time, we believe there are areas in which God has gifted and given roles and responsibilities differently to men and women. Although women can vote, serve on committees and in a number of offices and leadership positions, we as a congregation understand the role of making doctrinal decisions as one which God, in his wisdom, has given to men. Therefore, our governing board, the Board of Elders, is a board of five (5) men.
We encourage members to involve themselves in the ongoing program and maintenance of the church. Therefore, we look for volunteers to help with everything from playing the organ and providing special music, to secretarial work, ushering, church cleaning, yard work, snow removal, and general building and ground maintenance.
Church Body Affiliation
In November of 2018, Christ Lutheran Church became a member of the American Association of Lutheran Churches.